Friday, 6 June 2014

PTA at it Again (Banning Progressive Facebook Pages)

Ahh PTA, when will you ever learn? First Youtube, then Twitter and even SMS packages because its 'immoral'. And now banning progressive and Liberal pages preaching for a more tolerant and hate-free Pakistan such as Roshni, Taliban are Zaliman (oppressors), Bhangvi and Laal. Ironically pages and websites linked with extremists groups are free and accessible for everybody calling for open-hatred and persecution of minority groups and anti-state action.

I would have written more but since I have my exams I think this excerpt below will describe my thoughts just fine.

In 5th June, 2014 Pakistan Telecommunication Authority connived with Facebook to ban nearly all Pakistani progressive, secular and liberal pages campaigning for a Pakistan with human rights, social justice, equality and no terrorism. 
The irony is that anti state, Taliban pages operate with impunity while the voices of moderation and sanity are silenced by the state organ responsible for regulating telecommunication.  
Pakistan is a country haunted by a troubled past and its involvement in Afghan Soviet war tattered the social fabric, society was deeply radicalized religiously and space for progressive discourse shrank over the years until broadband internet penetration began to see a stellar rise in Pakistan under General Pervaiz Musharraf's reign. The introduction of broadband internet provided some space for the progressive and moderate forces
This development also blessed the embattled progressive Pakistanis with an unparalleled opportunity to channel their narrative to a much larger audience and that too without the fear of persecution in a society where being aligned with liberal thought alone merits ones life to be taken away. This was because the web offered a certain degree of anonymity. 
The social media, particularly Facebook effectively started giving a new picture of things earlier obscured because a variety of factors including state censorship. This increasing spread of awareness potentially has the ability to contribute to a change in the Status Quo with a better aware policy.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Capitalism n' Stuff

This is a post by Tristan Ryan, co-owner of this blog.

Growing up, I used to admire this lovely canopy that was across the road from my house. The mixture of pine and oak trees was beautiful and made one feel at peace when they gazed at it. The scenery within a mile of my house had a similar effect on the soul. The wildlife of East Texas redeems it from the cesspool of backwards, offensive people and backwards, offensive views.

The wood was plentiful, and it was only a matter of time until someone's greedy eyes saw the money in the trees instead of the beauty in it. It was sad to see the canopy and some of the other trees go, annoying to hear the machines early in the morning, and unpleasing to look at the desolation where the canopy once flourished. To top it all off, one of the rednecks destroying my lovely jungle decided to park his car on the edge of my family's property.

I know that they're going to replant (or so they promise), but it makes me sad nonetheless. To add on to this, the local wild hog population around my property was displaced, so they were running everywhere. On property, in front of cars, et cetera. They're rather dangerous, and displaced hogs are arguably worse.

I've compiled an imgur album of the desolation, if you'd like to see it.

Anyway, this whole thing has got me wondering if profit is always worth it. Are there moral limits to what you can do to legally get money? Is it wrong to rob a neighborhood of the beauty of nature for a pretty penny? Naturally, I'm very biased, but what do you guys from the outside think?

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

ChatWork- Wonderful tool for communications solution on cloud

ChatWork is a new communication tool which is designed to simply thecommunication task. It is developed in order to develop an effectiveway of communication between the workers. Without propercommunication a company can’t survive. Lack of effective communicationbetween co-workers will always result in losses. It is in thisscenario ChatWork have importance.
What makes ChatWork different is that unlike existing communicationsservices such as Skype, Hangout etc. it doesn’t require a specificapplication or software for communication. It can be accessed throughby browsers. This makes ChatWork more and moreefficient. 
Some of the important features of ChatWork are Group Chat, Taskmanagement, Files management and it’s available on Smart Phones.It allows the team head to communicate with his teammembers effectively and easily. Time is an important term in business,This Group Chat of ChatWork allows to save time to great extent. Italso allows to use "@' symbol to denote someone specifically like in twitter.

Task management allows the user to divide the task between teammembers and it also allows to set dates for completion of tasks, milestones etc. Once the assigned work is done it can benotified to consigned members through "DONE" button.

Then comes the file management. As it is a cloud based serviceChatWork provides a cloud space up to 5GB. This can be used to storefiles and can also be used as a backup. This allows the users toaccess their files anywhere. This is highly protected network. As it contains important information about the different clients. A shared file on cloud can be accessed by other Group Chat members.

ChatWork is having both free and paid membership. For their premiummembers ChatWork gives many additional features such as more cloudspace, more Group Chat members etc. and you can check these versions from its

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Foodpanda Vs Justeat | Comparison

Well, as you all know online food ordering is becoming a big business in South Asia. The big portals of the same are Food Panda and other one is Justeat. These both are fighting for the same target audience. So how people choose a website from these websites, or how about they go and compare the two, this is for what we are here to provide you information. So for comparing these two big portals, one must know about the details and other things of it. Let’s discuss them.


Well and is the subsidiary of the global food ordering website This website offers their services to more than 15 cities of India/Pakistan and also associated with more than 2500 restaurants. Now lets discuss the process on how it works. is very much simple fast and convenient website for ordering food online. We can get started by visiting the website and entering your City and Area and move onto the next step to see all the available restaurants which are near-by you.
Now you can either select the restaurant you want or go further filter out your results. From there you can select any of the restaurant of your choice and can also look on for the menu. After selecting your appropriate food, the order will be transferred to the restaurant and your food will be delivered on time

Also  Foodpanda tends to offer general coupon codes that can be applied site wide but also has offers (without codes) for most restaurants as well.

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