Thursday, 10 May 2012

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All This Pseudo-Inspirational Bullshit On Facebook

If you're like me and get pissed off by all this bullshit, read on. If you are what I would like to term as an 'emo-ass bitch', stop reading and go listen to your depressing punk-music or something.

You see this all over Social Media networks, spreading like wild-fire. People posting 3-12 quotes a day (that they copied from the internet) like there a bunch of goddamn philosophers.

An example:
"I doNt haVe an Attitude Problem. I juSt havE a PersoNAlity u CAnT HAnDle!"
Yeah, and I have a fist, can you handle that?

And the lyrics, don't get me started on THOSE. Oh, so you're living 'Young, Wild and Free', Guess what? I don't give a rats ass. And then when you comment "What are you talking about?", they're like "loooolll, you dumbass those are the lyrics of wiz khalifa's song" like the whole goddamn world should know the lyrics of every song you listen to.

All this retardation, makes a person lose hope in Humanity....


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