About Me

Ok, so this is the part I tell you more about myself. Well. Here goes nothing, the name's Mirsub Ali Fazlani and I'm an 19 year old Pakistani Blogger who tends to get pissed off alot. Got a dream to become a viral sensation and until that happens, I guess I'm doomed to live in a shadow of mediocrity. Other than blogging (more like 
babbling) in my spare time. I also make videos/raps and upload them to Youtube.

In this blog, I cover a wide range of topics ranging from IT and technology to life and every-day events. I also give my opinions on World events in witty, sarcastic and (often) profane ways. 

I've got a passion for angry rants and I ain't afraid to show it and if you don't mind a bit of swearing here and there, you'll end up doing just fine.

I also do free-lance writing and you find more details on how to contact me here

If you want to listen to some of my music then click here.

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