Sunday, 23 September 2012

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5 Best websites to download free images

Image is a part of life, image is very important as it brings more attraction than ordinary written epistle. I could remember when I was young, reading a Christian bible is always very boring, but when I was given a bible with image description, everything turned around, and bible reading  became so interesting. Seeing those images, I will want to know what it describes which will push me to religiously read the texts.

The same is image in blogs, journals, magazines etc. Using a well designed image draws more attention to your website, your postal, or bill boards. The internet is full of great images but most website offer them for a token or donation for you to be able to get them downloaded and use, these images has a copyright on them, so you get sued if you use them without permission or payment. You will get few websites that offers you free images for download, I will run you through few of them and they are public domain images.

These five websites will offer you free image download

1. Google Image

Google offers free images on public domains and creative common images, the google search enables you to streamline your search by including the word 'Free' in your search, no matter how the result comes, you always need to check the copyright status of all images before you download them.

2. Free photo Bank

This website offers you free images; you are able to refine your search by category with the advance search tool. Free photos offers free images to you, but the law there says you are not allowed to transfer the images for others to use.

3. Pixababy

This free image website gives you both photos and clipart from public domain websites, the image papers with the source, license type and other important EXIF information.

4. US History Images

The archives free images about the US history back from 1862, especially during the Civil War. You can download over five thousand images for use, it has few exceptions. The archives are well arranged and stream along the United states history.

5. Pics4Learning

This is a website that offers free images for educational use, assignment, projects requires images, there, you come across free images in categories, ranging from Geography, Architecture, Science, Tools, technology, Natural disaster etc. You can bring out your desired free images by keyword or category search. These pictures are donated by amateur photographers, students and teachers.

Author Bio:
Konga Felix is a freelancer and blogger, he loves to check out testimonials before venturing into whatever services that is being newly introduced to him. He is very sure of what payday loans has to offer

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