Friday, 23 November 2012

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The Beauty of Hypocrisy

Guest post by Ibraheem  Nadeem. He Blogs.

"History never remembers the good"

This quote is as immortal as the people it is talking about. Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Jack the Ripper. You shudder to think of these men. How could they have possibly lived with themselves? Such unspeakable acts, too macabre to even speak of in casual settings. But alas, we know more about them than we do about Ghandi or Quid-E-Azam or even the man who uttered this very quote! Remembering small facts about them are onerous  tasks that we eventually get frustrated with and give up on. Now I dare you to think of the scandalous ones, the ones that are gossiped about. Those select few who are worthy enough of your judgemental 'tuts'.

Marie Antoinette, Marilyn Monroe... and Veena Malik?
You may think these women are recalitrant rebels but you only think so because they do not conform to your idea of acceptable. And what is acceptable? To cover yourself entirely in a black cloak while going out of the house?  No no, we're much too evolved to still have that thinking. How about letting your daughters leave the house in tights and sleeveless shirts? Well then be prepared for the honorary speech about how we're still not that far gone in our conservative society. 

What's ironic is that Marilyn Monroe was at the height of her career almost sixty two years ago doing exactly what Veena Malik is doing now. Marilyn Monroe was crowned as the worlds biggest sex icon and still holds that title. She was renowned for her flirting, her notorious break downs and marriages and not to mention the nude photos. Marilyn Monroe knew no bounds and yet no one judged her. She did whatever she did with grace and elegance. She retained a jocular attitude towards life that entranced everyone. Thought a lot of people often justified her actions with, "She had a troubled past and that's bound to haunt her" it was more to justify why they empathise with her rather than why she did the provocative things she did. 

They pitied her a lot of the time and she either hated it or thrived off it. Even now her quotes are infamous for the pain they held. But I am not here to justify her gyrating ways or her troubles. I'm here to ask a question.

Why is she any different to Veena Malik? Their careers are built on the same sex symbol title, they both did the same things to achieve it. But then why is it that she was accepted sixty two years ago when people are believed to have been more narrow minded, than Veena Malik is now in our so called evolved society?

I recently read an article about Veena Malik attempting to make the same iconic pose Marilyn Monroe did in 'The Seven Year Itch' where Miss Monroe was pictured standing in front of a subway station with her dress billowing up past her waist. The only difference in the picture Miss Monroe took and the picture Miss Malik took was that she wore a red dress rather than a white one and paraded about in a tawdry blonde wig. Out of all the nine articles I read not one had a single nice thing to say about her.
I was so baffled by this. Why was it not a problem when Marilyn Monroe did this? Was it not even more taboo back then than it is now? After all, compared to Marilyn, Veena's dress only flew up till her knees. 

But the problem isnt that she copied Monroe. You could look at this from numerous angles. I asked my sister and her response was, "Marilyn wasnt muslim or Pakistani. Veena's  both."

Though Marilyn Monroe was not in fact Muslim or Pakistani she was Jewish and there was no such backlash from any Jews or Americans for that matter. Miss Monroe is respected to this day and her quotes are used in daily conversation. It should not even matter that Miss Malik is in fact Muslim or Pakistani! She should be respected either way not only because she's earning a living for herself by being a working in Pakistan where most people tend to have a sexist attitude but she is also trying to make her own way in the world. Other than that, she should be respected simply because she's done nothing in particular not to be respected.
And in the famous words of Miss Monroe I'll describe Veena Malik's situation: "Dogs never bite me. Just humans."
We all need to make fun of people and when you speak of Veena Malik in the confines of your own home who cares?  She can't retaliate! 

Until we start backing our own people and believing in them, nothing can be done. If she wants to parade around in a ratty blonde wig for a insignificant photo shoot then let her!
It's no big crime. If anything, compliment her for taking such initiative with her career. Who cares if she doesnt follow the norms of what you call acceptable. Who is to say what is acceptable? 

You could say nothing but a burqa and hijab is acceptable while your best friend could say nothing but a bikini is acceptable. Either way, neither person is liable to say what is or is not acceptable. A person is their own person and they make their own decisions and no one is allowed to judge them. 
Lady Gaga who if I remember correctly went to an awards show in a dress made out of nothing but raw meat. Is that acceptable?
People are opting for liposuction rather than losing weight the healthy way. Is that acceptable? 

Micheal Jackson who became so addicted to cosmetic surgery that he practically changed everything about his appearance once even told his maid Blanca Francia "that he bleaches his skin because he does not like being black and he feels that blacks are not liked as much as people of other races." but no one accuses him of racism and no one judges him. 

Late Night With Beghum Nawazish Ali is a talk show, the host being a male named Ali Saleem who identifies himself as a bisexual and dresses as a woman in a sari, his alter ego, Beghum Nawazish Ali. The show has invited business tycoons, industrialists, actors and actresses, government and religious leaders. The show has gathered much publicity and is now known in almost every house in Pakistan. Imagine that, we can allow a transgender host to interview religious leaders and call prominent politicians on his show but we can't handle one woman, one woman wearing a raunchy dress. 

Ali Saleem who cross dresses as Beghum Nawazish Ali has not recieved any back lash either save for some little opposition from Pervez Musharraf who still could not keep the show off television. 
So why so much hate over Veena Maliks life choices? 

Who's the real problem?

Her or us?
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