Monday, 7 May 2012

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Life is Getting Monotonous.....

It's the same old routine over and over again. Wake up for school, check my email, take a shower, leave for school, come back, check email and Facebook, take a shower (Yes, I take two showers a day). Eat food, internet and occasionally do my homework. I've been following the same routine for the past 2 years (During vacations, it's just internet and a bad case of insomnia). After this, it's college, University and then work till you die. Oh, the joy.

Sometimes I stay awake all-night not knowing what to do. I feel this empty-ness. If it weren't for the Internet, what would I be doing? Nothing, that's what.

Now, before you start thinking that I'm some nerd with no life and a face, covered with acne; I'm not. I have friends, I'm never alone in recess. It's just that, my insomnia has gotten worse, this restlessness. These sudden head-aches I keep having. There some days I feel like just lying down on my bed and not do anything, just think. No internet or just blankly starting at the ceiling (Like I do when I'm not 'motivated' enough to do my homework), Just deep, thoughts like a some philosopher high on wisdom...
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