Sunday, 6 May 2012

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The Switch from 'Weebly' to 'Blogger'.

It's only been a few hours since I've joined 'Blogger' but hey, first impressions count as much as last impressions.

Well, to start with; the 'Weebly' interface was ALOT more easier and less complicated than 'Blogger'. It's fast, simple and effective. Though, with it's lack of options to tweak your site and small number of templates made it something short of greatness.

If you're looking for a simple, easy way to start a blog, go for 'Weebly' though, if you want more customisation, better integration and better-looking templates go for 'Blogger'.

And if you're wondering why I opted for 'Blogger' it was because I wanted a greater variety of options (though, all these options are giving me a headache) and the constant nagging of a friend to join 'Blogger'.

And oh, since 'Weebly' doesn't have the option to export your blog Posts,
Here begins the long and tedious process of manually copy-pasting all my blog posts from my 'Weebly' site.

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