Wednesday, 6 March 2013

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Job in Faisalabad – Employers & Employees Perspective

Faisalabad, the third largest city of Pakistan had given a lot of business to the country, but has faced a downfall over the years. Faisalabad has a strong industrial base including the industries of textiles, jewelry, manufacturing, furniture, pharmaceuticals and other small business enterprises. My focus in this article is on finding a job in Faisalabad. I'll discuss perspective of both job seekers and employers.

Gas and Power Breakdown

When it comes to textile industry, Faisalabad is known as ‘Manchester of Pakistan’. However, unfortunately, it has seen many challenges because of the political and economic instability Pakistan has faced over the years. This has lead to a halt in development projects; gas and power load shedding has closed down many industries, while others have shifted to countries like Bangladesh and Malaysia. Hiring of Skilled Workers As the city isn’t developed the way other three urban centers of Pakistan have been, i.e. Lahore Karachi and Islamabad; you may find a shortage of highly-skilled labor. This is because people are more interested to work in bigger cities. Jobless Labor The closure of industries has had a bad impact on the labor class gone jobless, and suffers owing to the business downfall. 

Safe Zone
For an employee, the best part of Faisalabad is that it lies in the safest province of Pakistan—Punjab. Unlike other cities, it is secure as no major terrorist activity has ever hit Faisalabad. The biggest issues are: power and gas load shedding, leading to riots all over the city. We do not see much strikes here, these days. So, if you are seeking a job in Faisalabad, don’t be afraid of relocation. Well Established Infrastructure The infrastructure of Faisalabad is quite advanced and developed. The roads are well-built and you can easily move from one place to another, in no time. 

Although Faisalabad sees extreme weather, you cannot tag it unsuitable for living as its weather is pretty much same as of Lahore. A Developed City Renowned schools and colleges with up-to-date curriculum have their chains in Faisalabad. Moreover, proper health and medical facilities are also available along with a range of recreational activities for the youth.

 A Pricewaterhouse Coopers Study Towards the end, I must quote this survey for people looking for jobs in Faisalabad. You shouldn’t leave hope as the Manchester of Pakistan will soon regain its place as the leading industrial city of Pakistan. A PricewaterhouseCoopers study released in 2009, which surveyed the 2008 GDP of the top cities in the world, calculated Faisalabad's GDP (PPP) at $14 billion. In Pakistan, it was at number three, behind Karachi ($78 billion) and Lahore ($40 billion). “Faisalabad's GDP is projected to rise to $87 billion by 2025 at a growth rate of 5.7%, higher than the growth rates of 5.5% and 5.6% predicted for Karachi and Lahore.”
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