Sunday 24 February 2013

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Best Video plugins for WordPress

As the field of blogging is growing, it is becoming hard to get listed on the first page of Google, and to get traffic. When we talk about quality, the experts advice to produce quality content. I totally agree with the fact that 'Content is King'. There are many blogs that are running for the purpose of making money only. Such blogs can't go long in the blogging.
If you want success with your blog, then you must focus on producing quality content for your blog. You must make use of images, videos in your blog posts to make them informative. Talking about the videos, many bloggers think it as complex task to do. This might be, but not for the bloggers having their blog on WordPress. If yours is also on the same, then you will be pleased to know that many plugins can do the work easy for you. Here is the list of best plugins for WordPress that make the video insertion task easy and fun.

Smart YouTube
This is the best plugin that is simple to use, and lets you insert YouTube videos with ease. Some other popular video sources are also supported. The reason why this plugin avails the no.1 spot in this list is its simple user interface. You can insert videos in your blog posts, RSS feed, comments etc. This is one of the most downloaded video insertion plugins for WordPress.

YouTube With Style
Most of the videos that we tend to insert, can be found on YouTube. This plugin lets you insert YouTube videos with ease with single click. You can change the layout player to be displayed on your blog. This gives extra look to your blog. You can set and 'width' and 'height' for the player.

WordPress Video Plugin
The best part about this plugin is that it supports many video sources like YouTube, Brightcove, Yahoo! Video etc. This plugin makes the video insertion task, a simple thing to do. Just find the URL of video that you want to insert, and you are done. As simple as a-b-c. This plugin also stands in the queue of most downloaded video plugins.

Embedded Video
Upload videos to your own server, or  integrate it from any video website like YouTube etc. It is up to you. You can change the layout of the player to be displayed on your blog. This one is recommended for newbies as it is quite simple to use.

This plugin lets you insert the videos from YouTube and Google Videos with ease. You can insert the videos and can use any thumbnail for them. The preview of the video is then shown in RSS feed of your blog from where your RSS subscribers can reach to the video with single click.

Author Bio: Harsha is a Web developer and passionate blogger. He likes to write articles and updates on blogging and WordPress. He has written many articles till date, and from those, one on what is wordpress is indeed very informative.
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