Since, I hadn't made a new post in a while and didn't know what to blog about. I decided to compile this collection of my funniest tweets (something that'll be doing every month from now on).
The tweets were selected based on the number of re-tweets or mentions I got. My friend, Ibraheem Nadeem helped me out in the selection of the tweets. Check out his blog.
And did I mention it was a pain in the ass manually looking for each and every tweet and than embedding them here?
Bollywood movies are just like the ones made by Hollywood, only infinitely dumber and with a lesser budget.
With it's elaborate song and dance numbers that seem to magically teleport you to Europe and professional choreographers that seemingly pop out of no-where, Bollywood has reached it's pinnacle of retardation.
It's the same goddamned plot over and over again:
Boy meets girl, girl meets boy and the two fall in love. They sing and dance about it. Boy and girl are prevented from getting together by some impediment (read mother-in-law). Cue more singing and dancing. They overcome said impediment and more singing and dancing culminates in a grand singing-dancing finale.
And there you go ladies and gentlemen the basic plot-line of the thousand or so Bollywood films released each year.
Well. To Start with, it's not as easy as it looks. If you really want to earn a decent income from your blog or want it to rank higher on search're gonna have to put in a lot of hard work and man-hours.
Blogging may seem like the easiest thing to do, just sit back, relax and write what-ever crap you could think of or copy paste posts from other blogs (or so, I thought). Though, there are consequences if you plan on going the easy route. First, you'll be ranked lower in search engines (since your not posting unique content) and this may deter people from visiting your blog once they find out you're a phony. So, I advice you to focus on writing original posts as
"Content is King" (Chances are if you've read other articles you've probably heard this statement a gazillion times but hey, it's true).
It's the time most students in South-Asia and the world fear and have night-mares about. Time to make a status about 'de-activating' your facebook account (but never actually doing that) or talk about how you need to study more. My best advice would be get off the goddamned computer and start studying (something which I need to do as-well).
You've probably heard this a dozen times or have even asked someone yourself but this obsession with getting as many likes on your Facebook Photo is lately getting out of hand (and also getting on my nerves).
Personally, I'm sick of this. No really. Going around asking people to 'like' your DP is just stooping really low. I'm struggling to think what's the point of all this. Does getting 10-30 'likes' on your DP all of a sudden mean you've got swag or that you're really cool and sh*t? No. It's means you have the mentality of a retarded 4-year old.