Thursday, 14 June 2012

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My Thoughts After A Month Of Blogging

Well. To Start with, it's not as easy as it looks. If you really want to earn a decent income from your blog or want it to rank higher on search're gonna have to put in a lot of hard work and man-hours. 

Blogging may seem like the easiest thing to do, just sit back, relax and write  what-ever crap you could think of or copy paste posts from other blogs (or so, I thought). Though, there are consequences if you plan on going the easy route. First, you'll be ranked lower in search engines (since your not posting unique content) and this may deter people from visiting your blog once they find out you're a phony. So, I advice you to focus on writing original posts as 
"Content is King" (Chances are if you've read other articles you've probably heard this statement a gazillion times but hey, it's true).

And if your planning to blog for money. Let me tell you. It's not as easy as the ads on 'how I made 10k from blogging' make it seem. Focus on readership rather than trying to earn a few quick bucks.Though, I'll admit. Like many people who first start their blog, I was in it for the money. Though, the more I blogged; the more I understood it's not always about the money. It's much more than that. Blogging is the best platform to express yourself without anyone's restriction. You can socialize with people from all over the globe. I just love Blogging.

P.S: 'Angry Pakistani Blogger' just hit the 1000 page-view mark a couple days ago!
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