Thursday, 30 August 2012

Some of the Best VPN Services

Virtual Private Network or VPN has taken the world by storm. That has only happened because of the great wonder called the International Network or the internet. The internet has played a key role in making the world a global village and transforming the way of life as it was known before it. In the past few years, it has gone on to spread into a much more intricate technological construct, which allows accessibility to its patrons from any remote location they might find themselves in. Taking the human way of life by storm since its very first introduction to it, the internet continues to influence and shape the written as well as the audio-visual world of today, and every other aspect it may include. 

The great importance of the internet has brought it to the attention of the Government agencies of various countries. They have tried to curb the freedom of the people by censoring web content and thereby taking away the basic right to information. The banning of certain IP addresses and the unwelcome filtering of web content has breached the rights of the ordinary people. A VPN provider helps the client to dodge those unwanted rules are transfer data across global networks. It also helps businesses to ensure a secure transfer of private information and an easy access to centrally located company computer resources.
The best VPN is the one that is inexpensive, secure and fast. The best VPN should ensure that the data being transferred is encrypted and safe from any kind of hacking operation. In the earlier days, a leased line performed the functions of the VPN. A communications provider leased out one or more circuits where each circuit acted like a single wire. They were used just like one uses physical cables. VPN is created with a far more sophisticated technology such as the tunneling protocols, data encryption and various levels of security in order to create the perfect portal for web data.

 Talking of UK VPN service, UK has a large number of VPN suppliers. The best VPN providers have been listed below:

1. Hidemyass provides customers with a thirty day money back guarantee. It has a starting price of $6.55 per month. It is always better to go for the 43% Special Discount that is given along with the six month or twelve month package.
2. ExpressVPN
This has a starting price of $12.95 per month.

3. IPVanish
This begins with the starting price of $10.00 per month.

4. StrongVPN
For this, one has to pay $21 for the first three months.

5. VyprVPN
For this one, the customer has to pay $14.95 per month.

Author's Bio:

Naven Work for robustbuy which is largest China Wholesale web store where you can find everything from Video games to tablets etc for cheap rates.

Friday, 24 August 2012

A Compilation of My Funniest Tweets (August 2012)

It's that time of the month again....

For those of you who don't know or are new to this blog, every-month (starting from June) I make a compilation of my funniest tweets of a particular month. 

The tweets are selected 0n the number of re-tweets, mentions I got and the help of some of my friends

Since August coincided with this years Ramadan, many of the tweets are Ramadan/Eid related.

And did I mention it was a pain in the ass manually looking for each and every tweet and than embedding them here?

So. Here goes nothing: 

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

My Very Own 'Eid Memes' (Eid-ul-Fitr 2012)

Before I begin....Eid Mubarak!

So one morning in Eid while randomly 'googling' stuff, I had this Idea that I should make a meme of myself! Since it was Eid, why not mix the two-up!

So this is what yours truly came up with! (Yes, if your wondering...the person in the picture is mee).

Here goes nothing.... 

That's it for the memes I've made. I'll end this post with another bunch of funny, Eid related memes.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Mobile Phone Services suspended in Pakistan for Eid 'Security'

LAHORE: Cellular and data services were blocked in some parts of the country, including Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, Quetta and Multan.

Federal Minister for Interior Senator A. Rehman Malik said that mobile phone service will be suspended in some cities/areas of the respective provinces due to possible terror activities. 

While talking to Media on Sunday after chairing a high level meeting, Rehman Malik said terrorists can strike on Eid days in Sindh, Punjab Balochistan.

Guess these terrorists will have to be content with using landlines instead. Shutting down cell phones in the name of security is not acceptable, it is total failure of the Government. I will give them props for trying, however. It's a step. 

On the bright side...I won't be flooded with forwarded SMS Eid wishes.

P.S. Happy Eid Mubarak all those muslims reading this blog!

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Few tips to get Fresh Article Ideas

This is a guest post by Sandipan Mukherjee, author bio at end of post.
Here goes some of the best Article Writing Ideas a blogger must knows for writing those posts in a better and search engine friendly way.

Google Alerts: 
Now here comes Google Alerts which is a cool part of google which helps you in checking and monitoring the niche in which you are interested for getting those latest updates for your field of interest and with that we get to know about some new things, thus helping us in getting those fresh ideas for writing any topic on your own, that your valuable readers would also appreciate.

Engage With Bloggers:
 Every blogger should engage with other bloggers, should discuss their problems, tips and tricks with them. Try to get every information as you need, it will be very much useful in future, as you are getting engage with different bloggers around the world, exchanging facts between them is like slicing your blogging success.

Check Other's Blogs:
Well, for getting more ideas you need to read blogs of your friends, or that for your niche. Make this a habit searching for those blogs in your niche, reading articles and getting fresh tips for making your blog a success. Now don’t think twice to subscribe their RSS feeds, well it would be great if you subscribe them to be updated in your niche’s world. As you would frequently be updated by Email for any updated new posts from that blog.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

AUGUST UPDATE: Laziness, Writer's Block etc

As I predictedschool was gonna cause a hindrance on how much I could blog. Plus, I'm more lethargic these days....

I just can't seem to focus and I've been running on guests posts mostly for the past few weeks. Now that Ramadan coming to a close in a couple of days, I might just get something going again. 

This blog turned out to be more of a success then I thought it would be and I made it just for fun. I'm aware that my blogs layout and design isn't exactly professional but I've come a long way and hopefully I'll have a better design in the next few months.

I've been having a tough-time making posts as-well and I have a case of 'Writer's Block' at the moment but after Eid I'll be bursting with ideas. 

This is Mirsub Ali Fazlani signing out!

Sunday, 12 August 2012

How to Make Money Online Being a Writer

Yes, I know. My Microsoft paint skills are commendable.

This is guest post written by Dennis Johns. He is a Tech Blogger at Blogging tips for newbies. Also, check out his SEO Guide for beginners.

*First a little commentary by Mirsub*  
 "DAYUMM! These tips are useful!". 
Peoplenever get tired of searching the best ways on how to make money online. Surelythere are a lot of options of available by just typing the keywords “make moneyonline”. You can either be an affiliate marketer, a programmer, a data entryspecialist and an online writer. It is one of the highest grossing and lesstime consuming options to earn money online.

Asa web content writer doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to know HTML codesand all those types of web design themes and terminologies. When we speak aboutcontent, it is all about the paragraphs and the articles that are publishedonline. These articles will help the website grow organic traffic in order togain leads and sales. It is more like being a freelance writer, but with a moretechnical branding
Oneof the important skills, that you have to learn if you wanted to be a webcontent writer, is your ability to write good English. And by Good English it doesnot mean the use of big words, but the ability to be able to send messageacross to your readers as easy as it can be. You must also know what keywordsare used by this website to gain rank on search engines. In this way you canincorporate the keywords in your articles to further boost the online rankingsof the website you are working with.

Itis also very important that you should have an awesome researching capability.This is important in order for you to get updated of what people are talkingabout online, and how you can use it to write contents for the website. Fluffcontent is inexcusable, so do not ever write those, but make sure that youresearch well so that you are able to write good articles and make your clienthappy.

However,web content writing seems to be the easiest and the hardest online work at thesame time. It can be easy since all you have to do is to write an article basedon the topic provided. What really makes it harder is the way you should writeyour articles, it should be reader friendly and at the same time, search enginefriendly.

Ifyou are creative and have flair to write, then you can easily earn money bywriting and selling ebook. You can write an ebook on any topic you like. Forinstance, if you are a good story writer then you can create short story orfictional ebooks. However, whatever you will write you should do it with care.After all, it is your skills and expertise that will bring you money.

Friday, 10 August 2012

A View From Both Sides : India and Pakistan

Note. this is a guest post by an Indian Blogger who wishes to remain anonymous. He is new to blogging so I helped him out and added some of my points here and there.

I have a theory, that if if I were really drunk, and wake up in Karachi somehow, I won't  know I'm not in India; the vegetation is similar, the people are brown, the cars are same online the adverts/brands will be different and to an extent, the language.

Sadly, the stereotype is that Pakistani= terrorists. Not in all communities, but thats just how it is. It's sad, but true. Especially since kasab and all that.

Take the cities of Karachi and Mumbai for example. Before partition, Karachi and Mumbai were known as twin cities. Karachi faces political violence with the PPP and MQM at each others throats and Sindhi vs. Urdu speaking (Muhajirs) communal conflict. Now I see why.all the above is true for Mumbai, just replace Sindhi with Maharashtrain and replace Muhajirs with Bihari. You have sea view road, we have marine drive.

We're like two pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

U.S. Army Introduces A Miniature Reconnaissance Helicopter

Tiny spy in the Sky Indeed.

Note. this is a guest post by Croatian blogger Ivan Vovk. Author Bio at end of post. 

*first, a little commentary by Mirsub*
"Daayuum. That's some high-tech shit!?".
The U.S. Army introduced a miniature reconnaissance helicopter that will help them fight against the TalibanSeeing SQ-4 Recon in the picture, we thought that it was a new helicopter toy which will be held for a small and somewhat larger children but it is the without a pilot aircraft that costs $ 35,000 and was produced for U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

This little helicopter weight and size of bag of candy, save the
lives of American soldiers in combat against the Taliban, scouting dangerous areas with a height of 400 meters, with autonomy of 30 minutes and reach up to 2.4 km. 

Monday, 6 August 2012

Guess Who Just Got The 'Liebster Blog' award!?

Ok. So I Just got awarded the some-what prestigious 'Liebster blog' award by a fellow blogger.

This is the post I got tagged in :

Now some of you maybe wondering; "What is this 'Liebster award', Mirsub is rambling on about".

Well, the 'Liebster Blog' Award is given to up and coming bloggers. The Meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.

Like every award, some rules are to be followed:

  • If you are tagged/nominated, you have to post 11 facts about yourself.
  •  Then you answer the 11 questions the tagger has given you and make 11 questions for the people you are going to tag.
  • Tag 5-11 more Bloggers. 
  • Tell the people you tagged that you did.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

The various LED lighting categories

LED bulbs are the future of home lighting and have already become the preferred lighting means for major corporations. The major benefit that these lights provide are not the beauty or design options they provide, but the saving of electricity and the luminosity provided for the room.
Because LED’s are so small, they can be used in any combination to provide different types of lights for various purposes. Some of the popular designs of LED lights have been discussed below:

  Diffused lights 
   This type of LED bulb includes a cluster of LEDs which are covered by a dimpled lens used to spread the light outwards over a wider area. Mainly available in the standard Edison base structure, these bulbs are for multipurpose usage, for example as area lighting for expansive rooms and halls, reading lamps, porches,  accent lamps, hallways, ball rooms, and low-light applications wherever lights need to remain on for long periods of time.

Dimmable globe bulbs
The globe bulb was designed for bathroom vanities or store rooms, or even seminar halls or movie theatres, these bulbs can produce light equal to a 40 Watt incandescent bulb, while only consuming about 10 watts of power. Providing dimming facility ranging from 100% to 10% luminosity, these lights have about a 200 degree beaming angle, retrofitted to cast light over a wider area.

    Track lighting
Track lights are mainly needed in corporate environments or in showrooms where certain lines are on specific display. LEDs are perfect for track lighting, being available in standard Edison base or pin base structuring. Since LEDs don’t contribute to the heat buildup in a room no matter how long they remain on, they do not get hot to human touch, thus reducing the danger to kids. Also, because they are around 90% more efficient than incandescent lights, and last about 10 times longer than CFL lighting, the frequency of changing these bulbs is also greatly reduced.

    Flood reflector
The LED lights are now available for the standard, recessed lighting shades, housings and pots. They may range from around 7.5 to 17 watts, with their beam widths ranging from PAR 20 to PAR 38. Several of these models are available with dimming options as well. These can be used as decorative pieces around the house, or even on the porch or the garden. Because of the lack of heat production and long lasting nature of these bulbs, they are preferred over their CFL and incandescent predecessors.

    Flame tip Candelabra base bulb
These LED bulbs were designed to replace the incandescent bulbs. These flame tip LED lights are capable of delivering the equivalent of 30 watt incandescent light while only drawing 3 to 4 watts of power. Because it has a heat sink in its base, the light doesn't disperse downwards like in a typical incandescent bulb.

    LED Tube light
This was designed to replace CFL tube lights. The LED tubes are available to the public in 8 or 16 watts, which is better than the traditional 25 and 40 watt fluorescent tubes. As they are used in high commercial ceilings, the replacement charges of these bulbs are also greatly reduced.

Author Bio:
The author of this article is Lucas Barros, a freelance writer, who writes for tilstandsrapport, a Danish ISO 9001-certified company.

Mitt Romney is Retarded

Microsoft Paint maybe basic but it sure does the trick.

I've seen many stupid presidential candidates in my time (Herman Cain can be a good example) but so far, Mitt Romney take take's the cake for being the most retarded one
Now, I'm not an expert in US Politics but Mitt Romneys's economic plan isn't exactly reassuring; benefiting the rich rather than the poor.

Though, today I'll be talking more about his foreign policy. During his trip to Israel he makes the following statement:

*Clears throat*

"As you come here and you see the GDP per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000 dollars, and compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality. And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things.”

Or in other words. Jewish culture is superior than Palestinian culture that's why the occupied territories have a lesser GPD than Israel and NOT because of Israel’s restrictions on trade and strict border blockade (which is responsible for crippling the Palestinian economy). 

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Back to School.....b*tches

Don't ask. I had the Old Microsoft Paint.
No more waking up in the middle of the afternoon (atleast during the weekdays) and staying up till 3 'o' clock in the morning. Goodbye 24/7 internet use and hello tuitions, assignments and monthly tests and those despicable uniforms. Oh the joy.

I can’t believe how fast this summer has gone by yet I feel like I didn’t get to do all the things I wanted to yet. Time fly's doesn't it? I'm a little anxious, excited and scared at the same time. A lot of people left from our class and things won't be same. Starting my O' levels so there going to be a couple of new subjects.

Just need to change my sleeping my patterns (I sleep at 5 'o' clock in dawn and wake up at around 2-3 pm) and also get ready for school and all the drama and b*llshit that comes with it. 

It's also means it won't be able to blog as much as I'd like to and I hope this doesn't take a toll on my traffic or anything. But don't worry, I'll post something satirical every now and then. 

Till then, this is Mirsub Ali Fazlani signing out!

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