Friday, 10 August 2012

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A View From Both Sides : India and Pakistan

Note. this is a guest post by an Indian Blogger who wishes to remain anonymous. He is new to blogging so I helped him out and added some of my points here and there.

I have a theory, that if if I were really drunk, and wake up in Karachi somehow, I won't  know I'm not in India; the vegetation is similar, the people are brown, the cars are same online the adverts/brands will be different and to an extent, the language.

Sadly, the stereotype is that Pakistani= terrorists. Not in all communities, but thats just how it is. It's sad, but true. Especially since kasab and all that.

Take the cities of Karachi and Mumbai for example. Before partition, Karachi and Mumbai were known as twin cities. Karachi faces political violence with the PPP and MQM at each others throats and Sindhi vs. Urdu speaking (Muhajirs) communal conflict. Now I see why.all the above is true for Mumbai, just replace Sindhi with Maharashtrain and replace Muhajirs with Bihari. You have sea view road, we have marine drive.

We're like two pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle.
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