Thursday, 16 August 2012

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AUGUST UPDATE: Laziness, Writer's Block etc

As I predictedschool was gonna cause a hindrance on how much I could blog. Plus, I'm more lethargic these days....

I just can't seem to focus and I've been running on guests posts mostly for the past few weeks. Now that Ramadan coming to a close in a couple of days, I might just get something going again. 

This blog turned out to be more of a success then I thought it would be and I made it just for fun. I'm aware that my blogs layout and design isn't exactly professional but I've come a long way and hopefully I'll have a better design in the next few months.

I've been having a tough-time making posts as-well and I have a case of 'Writer's Block' at the moment but after Eid I'll be bursting with ideas. 

This is Mirsub Ali Fazlani signing out!
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