Monday, 6 August 2012

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Guess Who Just Got The 'Liebster Blog' award!?

Ok. So I Just got awarded the some-what prestigious 'Liebster blog' award by a fellow blogger.

This is the post I got tagged in :

Now some of you maybe wondering; "What is this 'Liebster award', Mirsub is rambling on about".

Well, the 'Liebster Blog' Award is given to up and coming bloggers. The Meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.

Like every award, some rules are to be followed:

  • If you are tagged/nominated, you have to post 11 facts about yourself.
  •  Then you answer the 11 questions the tagger has given you and make 11 questions for the people you are going to tag.
  • Tag 5-11 more Bloggers. 
  • Tell the people you tagged that you did.

11 Interesting facts about me:

  • I have a bad case of insomnia. My record (at the moment) is 3 days without sleep. Not bad, eh?     

  • I'm an Avid-Movie watcher (is that even a thing). I've got over 900 movies stored in my hard drive. Know a movie? Chances are, I've seen it.
  • I rap as-well. Though, my lyrics are less about the *bling bling* and more about social issues and witty metaphors.
  • I speak a variety about languages including English, Sindhi, Urdu/Hindi and Arabic and I'm planning on learning some french in the future.
  • I'm as lethargic as a sloth on Saturdays.
  • I like my coffee with more caffeine than usual. And I prefer Cold Coffee *drools
  • I'm mo' random than a jelly bean high on lamas.
  •  I think Bagels are bald doughnuts.
  •  I get distracted quite easily. I think too much about trivial things...
  •  Ok..I'm running out of interesting about me.
  • I like pizza? 

Ok. Now, that I'm done with the facts. Here are the question, Adeena asked me:

1. The CRAZIEST thing that you've ever done?

Too many too remember, but I haven't had that one that thing which stands out and that I can tell my future grand-kids about.

2. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

Ere...eating my favorite kinds of food while enjoying a nice, icy Cold-drink and meeting up with friends.

3. If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

Well, for starters I'd travel more, take more risks and be more religious and enjoy the best of what I have.

4. If you could break one law, which one would that be?

The blasphemy law. It's a shame that it's even in our Constitution. Simply Horrendous. 

5. What do you do, that you think, makes you different from everyone else?

I think too much about frivolous things and it like...keeps me awake all night. Plus, wait till you have a sip of my coffee. 

6. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really think it makes the elevator move faster? :P

lol, no.

7. If you were standing on stage, unaware that hundreds of people were watching you, what would you have done?

Say something like..."Well, this  is awkward..".

8. Who do you think is the sexiest person alive? [Please avoid mentioning me. Obvious facts don't need to be reiterated. :P ]

Emma Watson.

10. If you were stranded on an island, which three things would you like to have in your bag?

A solar-powered iPod, endless supply of pizza and a football.

11. What is your first impression of me/this blog? [Muhahahaha. oh how I love being the evil bitch, the mother of all conspiracies and controversies! :D
Funny and satirical :P 



Ok. Questions I'm adding:

1. Would you change your life in any way from how it is     today?

2. What motivated you to blog? 

3. What do you do when you're bored?

4. What's you're favorite food/drink?

5. What will you do if you saw your doppelganger          (look-alike) on the street?

6. What do you do, that you think, makes you different from everyone else?

7. If you could stop time for 3 days, what would you do?

8. If you won a free ticket to any destination on the globe, where would you go?

9. Describe a moment when you were really proud of yourself.

10. What is the one thing you'd do, if you knew you'd be successful at it?

Bloggers I'm tagging:

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