Thursday, 5 July 2012

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Are You Addicted to Blogging? (Well, So Am I)

If you're a Blogger, you know what I'm talking about.

Ever felt anxious or paranoid when you haven't made a post in a while? Every thought "Come on dammit, think of something". If you said yes, then you Sir (or ma'am) are a Blogging Addict.

Hell, this very post you're reading kept me thinking all-night. It takes anywhere from a few hours (If I'm planning on posting it today) to a week to write a good post and let's face it. All my posts are good ;)

Wanna know some tell-tale signs of a Blogging Addict?

Well, here goes nothing:

Note. Some of these were taken several sites such as Yakezie, Social Times and Socmedsean.

  • You check your Google Analytics everyday.

  • Get that warm fuzzy feeling every-time a person leaves a comment on how great your blog is or how funny that post was.

  •  You have chronic back-pain or headaches because you worry so much about how your blog is doing.

  •  You can crush peanuts with your butt cheeks because they’ve become rock hard and calloused due to sitting too much.

  • You print blogging business cards and call yourself a ridiculously long title like, “Founder, Editor, & Chief.”

  • You can’t stop thinking about the strategic scheduling of posts.

  • Every now and then you get an occasional case of 'Blogger's Block'. A spin-off of 'Writer's Block

  •  You change your really catchy blog post title to something generic like “How to do this” for SEO.

  • You have published a blog post at 4am, knowing that no one was likely going to read it until the next day. 

  • You read/see something that sparks your Interest and you immediately think "I need to blog about this".

  • You have posted three blog articles or more in a single day.
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